General FAQ's

A hackathon is a social brainstorming event where programmers, designers and developers collaborate to solve a problem and compete for cash prizes. It’s fun combined with a fierce battle against the clock and the competition.
People participate in hackathons for lots of reasons: the challenge, the creative outlet, the community collaboration, the networking.
This event is limited to those 18 and up for participants. Be prepared to show ID for the final round.
Anyone is welcome to participate in this event. Teams will need people with strong presentation skills and brilliant ideas.
While you do have the option of working alone, hackathon is a team event so working with others is encouraged. There are a few ways to find teammates: You can pick your team from people you already know, or post in any meetup groups.
We will be offering various thematic sessions from different experts in the domain, which we encourage everyone to attend.
Other than finding fellow brilliant minds with complimentary skills to team up with, there is nothing that you need to prepare in advance.
Absolutely. Check out our prize page for details.
The judge panel composition will be announced closer to the date of the hackathon.
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